UPCI Ministers Application Process
UPCI Minister - You are not logged in
Click the "Login" button below to access this page.
LoginHaving Login Problems? If you are currently a UPCI Minister and do not have or do not remember your wa.upci.org login,
please note the following:
Currently this login may not be the same login as upciministers.com, but it should be the same login email if you have ever
logged into upciminiters.com before. You can click login, then click "Forgot your Password?" and provide that email to reset
your password for wa.upci.org. Remember that if you set it to a different password it will not match upciministers.com because these do
not currently sync.
If all else fails, please email ask@upci.org and reference "wa.upci.org login" to get help with your login to this page.
New Minister Applicants
You do not need a login. Contact your Pastor or Ordained Minister and have them start the Application process for you.